Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Day 4

So today, I went on quite the bike ride with a close friend of mine. Some people may know her as Eternal-blue, or mintysmile. She's an aspiring artist, and you really should check out her page, on deviant-art where she is known as mintysmile.
Anywho, enough about her. :3
Back on with the bike ride.
I spent quite a bit of time picturing Octavia galloping just ahead of us, glancing back every so often with the happiest grin on her face. Towards the end of the day, she was growing tired, along with my friend and I.
When Octavia and I got home, (Trin and I parted ways, as she headed for her own home) we both collapsed, exhausted on the couch. So, yeah. I guess not much happened today.
Tavi still doesn't really have her own consciousness yet, nor does she have much of a form. Slow days.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Day 3:

Conveniently enough, today I was dragged along to the beach with my family. I though 'hey. This would be a great time to work on my tulpa.'
So that's just what I did. I imagined Octavia walking alongside me, as we made our way down to the beach. Sitting in the sand, I watched her play, splashing in the water, and running down the jetty. It was adorable, to say the least.
Now, I know, my imagination is still playing the most part of this. But it helped me build out how she would move, and act. And well... I think my Octavia's gonna turn out to be a pegasus... Mainly because I love pegasi... And I couldn't help but imagine her with the cutest, softest wings.
At the end of the day, I had her sitting beside me, looking out at the ocean. About this time of day, I was beginning to get a bit of a head ache... I read up about it when I got home, and apparently it's a good thing! A sign that it's working!

So that's day 3 of my Tulpa creation.
Questions? Post them below!
Rahni, out!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Day 2: The visualization

Good afternoon everyone!
So for day two of my Octavia tulpa project, I did some visualization. To do so, I gave my reference pictures a brief scan, and then head out some place nice, and peaceful. And I'll be honest. This place was my trampoline. :P
So what I did, is I thought about how big I want my tulpa to be, and I decided the top of her head should reach just under my rib cage. So what I did, is, using a felt tip, marked a line on a pole. This was used as my height guide. I then placed four small stones down -one for each hoof- before making myself comfortable a few meters away.
I sat there for about 30-50 minutes, and simply imagined Octavia standing there. That's it. Just imagined her. Not much happened except for... Me staring at a blank piece of air, imagining a grey pony with violet eyes. Aha! You see what I did there? All the while, in my head, I was describing Octavia to myself. This helped me picture her better.

So that's day two. Not much. I repeat for the third time.

Any questions, simply post them below!
Goblin king, out!

Day 1: The organization.

So for day one, I will be finding a few pictures to be referencing off of, and writing down about 15 personality traits which I plan to follow during the creation of my Octavia tulpa. I think it logic that if I kept her personality in mind during the process of creating her, then perhaps that'll give her a stronger consciousness, and personality.
So after a bit of browsing, I've found the pictures I wish to use as a reference. The first one is her in her MLP style, as this'll help with shaping out her body. The second one focuses a bit more on her mane, as I'd like it quite a bit more freestyle than she has it in the show, and the third one focuses more on her cello, as well... I'd like her to have her very own cello to play whenever she wishes.

So now I have some pictures to reference off of, I'm gonna think of some traits.
So here's a list.
.A rather tidy mare.
.Picky in some cases such as organization
.She loves music
.very optimistic
.graceful in the way she moves
.loves creating her own music, or recreating songs she may hear and enjoy
.like myself, loves all genre of music except heavy metal. (Sorry for the metal heads out there. ^^)
.often has a warm smile on her face
.willing to listen to anything I may have to say to her
.a great conversation holder
.considerate of times when she may need to be silent (in class etc.)

That's about all I can think of. If you have any suggestions, I'm more than happy to listen. :D
As for day two, I'm going to spend about two hours simply visualizing her, and I'll let you guys know how it goes!
Again, the first week Oreo is gonna be real sluggish. :P


Hello, there!
My name is Rahni. Some of you may know me from other websites such as Deviantart, or Bronies Australia, where I'm best known as hollow-whispers. I'm a 13 year old girl from South Australia, and I've found a recent interest in beings known as tulpae. They are what some people call forced hallucinations. They're kind of like an imaginary friend, only much stronger than that. With patience, they will gain the ability to answer on their own, and gain their own conscious.
If you wish to know more about tulpae, plural of tulpa, then Google is your friend. :)

Now. I've made this blog to share with you guys the process of Tulpa making. I've done quite a bit of research, so I'm fairly certain I know what I'm doing.
Basically, what I plan to do is update this blog each day on my progress. It will be rather slow to begin with, but I'm sure once we get a couple of weeks into it, things should start to hype up!
I'm rather excited, and nervous as to how this'll turn around.

The tulpa I plan to be creating, is that of Octavia. I just love how calm and collective she is, and to have a pony like her walk beside me would be just amazing. Now, I'm very much aware that I won't be able to completely recreate her personality, but that only makes me happier! You see, there are a few traits Octavia has that would rather annoy me, and if I were to rid of those traits, I'd absolutely love her companionship, and to have her with me for the rest of my life. :D

That said, I'll get on to my first update, and I hope you enjoy the journey, that through this blog, we'll be able to share!