Sunday, 10 March 2013

Day 3:

Conveniently enough, today I was dragged along to the beach with my family. I though 'hey. This would be a great time to work on my tulpa.'
So that's just what I did. I imagined Octavia walking alongside me, as we made our way down to the beach. Sitting in the sand, I watched her play, splashing in the water, and running down the jetty. It was adorable, to say the least.
Now, I know, my imagination is still playing the most part of this. But it helped me build out how she would move, and act. And well... I think my Octavia's gonna turn out to be a pegasus... Mainly because I love pegasi... And I couldn't help but imagine her with the cutest, softest wings.
At the end of the day, I had her sitting beside me, looking out at the ocean. About this time of day, I was beginning to get a bit of a head ache... I read up about it when I got home, and apparently it's a good thing! A sign that it's working!

So that's day 3 of my Tulpa creation.
Questions? Post them below!
Rahni, out!

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