Saturday, 9 March 2013

Day 2: The visualization

Good afternoon everyone!
So for day two of my Octavia tulpa project, I did some visualization. To do so, I gave my reference pictures a brief scan, and then head out some place nice, and peaceful. And I'll be honest. This place was my trampoline. :P
So what I did, is I thought about how big I want my tulpa to be, and I decided the top of her head should reach just under my rib cage. So what I did, is, using a felt tip, marked a line on a pole. This was used as my height guide. I then placed four small stones down -one for each hoof- before making myself comfortable a few meters away.
I sat there for about 30-50 minutes, and simply imagined Octavia standing there. That's it. Just imagined her. Not much happened except for... Me staring at a blank piece of air, imagining a grey pony with violet eyes. Aha! You see what I did there? All the while, in my head, I was describing Octavia to myself. This helped me picture her better.

So that's day two. Not much. I repeat for the third time.

Any questions, simply post them below!
Goblin king, out!

1 comment:

  1. I am also creating a Pony Tulpa, her name is Blue. She is a Blue Pegasus mare (duuuh^^). Any Tips on Visualizing ? And how Big in CM or Inches is Octavia ? I figure that a pony is about 110 CM or 43 Inches or about 4 feet tall.

    Greetings from Germany,
