Hello, there!
My name is Rahni. Some of you may know me from other websites such as Deviantart, or Bronies Australia, where I'm best known as hollow-whispers. I'm a 13 year old girl from South Australia, and I've found a recent interest in beings known as tulpae. They are what some people call forced hallucinations. They're kind of like an imaginary friend, only much stronger than that. With patience, they will gain the ability to answer on their own, and gain their own conscious.
If you wish to know more about tulpae, plural of tulpa, then Google is your friend. :)
Now. I've made this blog to share with you guys the process of Tulpa making. I've done quite a bit of research, so I'm fairly certain I know what I'm doing.
Basically, what I plan to do is update this blog each day on my progress. It will be rather slow to begin with, but I'm sure once we get a couple of weeks into it, things should start to hype up!
I'm rather excited, and nervous as to how this'll turn around.
The tulpa I plan to be creating, is that of Octavia. I just love how calm and collective she is, and to have a pony like her walk beside me would be just amazing. Now, I'm very much aware that I won't be able to completely recreate her personality, but that only makes me happier! You see, there are a few traits Octavia has that would rather annoy me, and if I were to rid of those traits, I'd absolutely love her companionship, and to have her with me for the rest of my life. :D
That said, I'll get on to my first update, and I hope you enjoy the journey, that through this blog, we'll be able to share!
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